Embark on an extraordinary underwater adventure at Punta Lobos, affectionately known as "la loberita," a novice-friendly dive site off the coast of La Paz, Mexico. Two decades ago, this site was home to around 150 California Brown Sea Lions, though their residence may have shifted due to the relentless north winds during winter storms.
Dive into the unique topography of Punta Lobos, where the underwater landscape slopes gently down to 45 feet before revealing a stunning wall of substantial boulders descending to 90 feet. Drift along this captivating dive site and witness the underwater ballet of octopuses gracefully navigating the surroundings. Marvel at their ability to change colors in the blink of an eye, and keep a keen eye out for the elusive giant seahorses, displaying shades of black, brown, orange, or even white.
As the seasons change, Punta Lobos becomes a hotspot for the majestic "Mobula Manta." In late spring and summer, these incredible creatures, sometimes seen in pairs or small groups, occasionally gather in the thousands, forming awe-inspiring squadrons that may even block out the sun. The sight of these Mobula Mantas schooling is nothing short of breathtaking, making Punta Lobos one of the most spectacular dive sites in the Sea of Cortez.
Immerse yourself in the magic of Punta Lobos, where sea lions, drift dives, and a diverse array of marine life come together to create an unforgettable underwater experience. 🌈🌊🐠