As a National Geographic Diver, you join a select group of explorers, adventurers, and conservationists. The knowledge and training you gain during this program will broaden your awareness and take your diving skills to a new level. You will learn to observe and explore like a scientist underwater.
Your experience begins with the PADI Open Water Diver program, enhanced with unique adventures for the National Geographic Diver program. You will learn to explore in detail, identify important underwater features and navigate safely. You will have the diving knowledge and practice to maneuver with balance throughout the reef’s ecosystems.
Whether you're new to diving, or an experienced diver, the National Geographic Diver program will give you new tools to understand and safely explore the underwater world.
Your adventure begins with the National Geographic Diver certification, where you'll gain the knowledge and hands-on experience to live the dive life.
What I am going to do?
You will learn basic diving skills and safety information through the PADI Open Water Diver course.
You will be introduced to worldwide diving environments and opportunities through interaction with the National Geographic Diver Almanac and DVD.
You'll learn to fine-tune your buoyancy to float easily and maneuver carefully through delicate aquatic habitats.
You will learn how to observe your surroundings in order to get the best experience from each dive.
You'll gain hands-on experience by gathering information and compiling images to create a visual representation of a dive site, detailing what you've discovered through your observations.
You will improve your navigational skills and ability to find your way around underwater using a compass as well as natural landmarks.
You will be introduced to a multitude of aquatic species and be able to identify the local plants and animals.
The PADI Discover Scuba Diving program allows you to experience the thrill of diving under the supervision of a PADI Professional in pool or pool like conditions. During your adventure, you'll be able to master some diving basics and skills and might even head out on an open water adventure.
What do I need to start?
A completed and signed Discover Scuba Diving brochure
Minimum age: 10
What I am going to do?
When you participate in a Discover Scuba Diving program, you discover excitement and adventure – freedom and serenity. Nothing compares to the “weighty” joy of breathing underwater. Only a diver knows the feeling!
How much time will it take?
Get ready to dive into today. Whether you watch the short PADI Discover Scuba video, or are briefed with the Discover Scuba Diving Flip Chart, you'll be in the water quickly and ready for your diving adventure.
What I need?
a sense of adventure
(price does not include 16% local taxes)
At The Cortez Club we train divers for PADI dive courses using the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) system, the largest dive training organization in the world. Your PADI qualification will be recognized around the world… more than any other diving qualification.
The Cortez Club is a PADI 5 Star Gold Palm Instructor Development Center; we train people in PADI courses from beginner to professional dive instructor.
As a beginner you will train to become a PADI OPEN WATER DIVER. This qualification will allow you to dive around the world with a buddy (friend/partner) of equal or higher level, to a maximum recommended depth of 18 metres/60 feet.
The Cortez Club has no minimum number of classes, so you can sign up at any time. This guarantees individual attention and most importantly, maximum security. Our course will teach you all the essential skills needed to dive, to become familiar with the equipment and to understand what happens to your body underwater. This course has a strong emphasis on safety, not only for you, but also your dive buddy.
PADI Open Water Course is:
Divided into three parts, they are all very flexible to suit all lifestyles.
Confined Water Diving:
This is where the real fun begins – where you actually go diving! This part of the course took place in the pool or in the sea, off our dock. Here, under the guidance and supervision of an instructor, you will learn and practice diving skills and procedures. This part of the course consists of 5 dives and takes a minimum of one day or as long as you need!
Knowledge Development:
Once you have decided to start the course we give you a manual and video to view and study in your own time and at your own pace, this sets out the basic principles and information all divers need to know to enjoy comfortable, safe diving. This can be completed in a minimum time of one day.
Open Water Dives:
The final part of the course includes four ocean dives. Once again, under the supervision of an instructor, you will complete the course by applying, adapting and further developing your diving knowledge and skills in the real world diving environment. This piece is also very flexible and is usually held for two days.
(The price includes all equipment, dives, books, log book and certification, does not include 16% VAT).
The Adventures in Diving program offers both the Adventure Diver and Advanced Open Water Diver certifications. If you complete any three adventure dives, you can go on to earn the PADI Adventure Diver certification. If you complete your Dive Adventure Depth, Adventure Underwater Navigation and three Adventure Dives for a total of five, you can go on to earn your Advanced Open Water Diver certification.
Why Advanced Open Water Diver?
After your five dives, you'll be more experienced, more comfortable in the water and simply enjoy diving more because you better understand the underwater environment.
What do I need to start?
PADI Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 15 (12 for PADI junior Advanced Open Water Diver)
What I am going to do?
This certification includes five adventure dives, including the Depth Adventure Dive, the Underwater Navigator Adventure Dive and three of the following:
Boat Diver
Drift Diver
Deep Diver
diver dry suit
MLM Diver
Night Diver
buoyancy domain
Search and Recovery Diver
underwater naturalist
Underwater Videographer
underwater photographer
Underwater Navigator
AWARE Fish Identification
wreck diver
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: 15 (2 days-5 dives)
Minimum open water training: five dives in two days.
Price includes books and certification, but does not include sales tax.
The PADI Rescue Diver will expand your knowledge and experience beyond the purely recreational level because you will learn to look beyond yourself and consider the safety and well-being of other divers. Although this course is serious, it is an enjoyable way to build your confidence.
What do I need to start?
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver PADI or Junior Advanced Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 15 years (12 for PADI Junior Rescue Diver)
Successful completion of an approved CPR program within the past 24 months.
What I am going to do?
Rescue Diver training will prepare you to prevent problems and, if necessary, handle diving emergencies. During the five open water sessions, you will be able to cover:
Self-rescue and diver stress
diving first aid
Management and emergency teams
swimming and non-swimming assists
panicked diver response
underwater trouble
missing diver procedures
emerge the unconscious diver
inwater artificial respiration
exit (exits)
first aid for pressure-related accidents
diving accident scenarios
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: 25
Minimum open water training: five sessions over two days.
The price includes books and certification, but does not include sales tax.
Emergency First Response gives you the tools you need to perform CPR and first aid. Whether you're a diver or a non-diver, Emergency First Response prepares you to properly handle potentially life-threatening situations.
What can I do as a PADI Divemaster?
Learn dive leadership through classroom sessions and independent study.
Comprehensive water skills and resistance exercises in confined and open water.
training exercises to test organization and problem-solving skills.
An internship or a series of practical training exercises.
What do I need to start?
No diving certification required
There is no minimum age limit
What I am going to do?
This comprehensive program is made up of two core modules that can be taught together or as stand-alone courses: Emergency First Response – Primary Care and Emergency First Response – Secondary Care. Together, these courses demonstrated extensive instruction in CPR and first aid, as well as the optional supply (still recommended) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and emergency oxygen sections.
How much time will it take?
Depending on the amount of study at home, Elementary and High School courses maybe completed in as little as four hours.
Price includes Crew Package and certification, but does not include sales tax.
This certification indicates that you have achieved the highest level of recreational diving in the PADI system of diver education. PADI Master Scuba Diver indicates that you have a significant amount of training and experience in a variety of diving environments.
What do I need to start?
PADI Open Water Diver certification (or certification of qualification from another organization)
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification (or certification of qualification from another organization)
PADI Rescue Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
50 dives
Five PADI Specialty Course
Minimum age: 15 years (12 for Junior Master Scuba Diver)
Prices vary depending on Specialties you want to take. Please email for more!
The AI course runs over 4 days (the first 4 days of an IDC) and includes academic, confined water and open water teaching sessions.
This course takes you through the basics of becoming a dive educator. Classification as an AI allows you to advance in the OWSI program and allows you to teach programs such as Proficiency Buoyancy Specialty, Project Aware and also take certain parts of the Open Water Diver course.
The prerequisites for this course are:
PADI Divemaster or equivalent.
A minimum of 60 logged dives with night, deep experience and navigation.
A valid medical (less than 12 months).
Current CPR and first aid training.
IDC Crew-Pak and necessary materials.
18 years old.
Price includes certification, but does not include sales tax.
Take the first step in your diving career and become a PADI Divemaster. By working closely with a PADI Instructor, you will be able to expand your diving knowledge and hone your skills as you become a dive professional. PADI Divemaster training develops your leadership skills by training you to supervise diving activities and assist instructors with students.
What can I do as a PADI Divemaster?
Learn dive leadership through classroom sessions and independent study.
Comprehensive water skills and resistance exercises in confined and open water.
training exercises to test organization and problem-solving skills.
An internship or a series of practical training exercises.
What materials are supposed to be required?
PADI Divemaster Manual.
Recreational Dive Planner (RDP) -. all three versions (Table, Wheel and eRDP including corresponding instructions for use booklets)
The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving.
Diving Knowledge Book.
Divemaster Slates.
What can PADI Divemasters do?
Work at local dive centers, live-aboard dive boats, yachts and at exotic resort locations.
Assist PADI instructors with students.
Lead Divers PADI Scuba on guided diving tours.
Teach and certify PADI Skin Divers.
Teach PADI Discover Snorkeling programs.
PADI Scuba Review Conduct Programs for certified divers.
Lead certified divers in local Discover dive experiences.
Teach Emergency First Response programs after successfully completing an Emergency First Response Instructor course.
The prerequisites for this course are:
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent certification from another training organization.
PADI Rescue Diver certification or equivalent certification from another training organization.
Medical authorization signed by a doctor.
40 logged dives.
18 years old.
¿Alguna vez ha sido el buceo y le preguntó, “¿Qué fue eso?” El Proyecto AWARE PADI curso Identificación de peces especiales le proporciona los elementos básicos de identificación de peces para que la próxima vez, ya sabes la respuesta.
Si usted quiere aprender acerca de la difícil situación de los ecosistemas acuáticos en todo el mundo y cómo puede protegerlos, este curso de especialidad es para usted.
Este curso de especialidad no de buceo también puede llevarse a cabo en conjunto con otros cursos Diver PADI Especialidad.
¿Qué necesito para empezar?
Sin certificación de buceo requerido
No hay límite de edad mínima
¿Qué voy a hacer?
Aprenda sobre la degradación de los ecosistemas acuáticos y las medidas de conservación que protegen los recursos acuáticos.
¿Qué tiene esto incluye?
La filosofía Project AWARE
La importancia y la interdependencia de los ecosistemas acuáticos en todo el mundo
Temas de actualidad relativas a la pesca, la gestión de las zonas costeras y la contaminación marina
El estado de varios ambientes marinos gravemente degradadas
¿Cómo usted puede ayudar
¿Cuánto tiempo tomará?
Horas de curso recomendadas: de cuatro
(el precio incluye certifcación, pero no impuesto sobre las ventas).
Whether you have never done a boat dive or have logged dozens, the PADI Boat Diver course can benefit almost all divers because different boats in different parts of the world do things differently.
Through the PADI Boat Diver course, you can learn the techniques and procedures for diving from different types of boats. The more boats you are diving from the more diving you are doing.
What do I need to start?
PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 10 years
What I am going to do?
Dive boat planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and dangers
proper dive boat etiquette, including equipment storage and conducting
Common ship terminology
Specific and local dive boat laws and ordinances
Overview of necessary safety and emergency equipment on site private dive boats
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: 12
Minimum Open Water Training: two dives throughout a day
(price includes certification, but does not include sales tax)
The PADI Drift Diver course introduces you to the coolest magic carpet ride you'll ever experience. This course shows you how to enjoy rivers and ocean currents by “going with the flow,” being with your dive partner, communicating with the dive boat, and knowing where you are at all times.
Drift diving is effortless and relaxing as you simply glide with the current and feel the thrill of flying underwater. But, with this type of diving come special procedures that you need to know so that you can maximize your fun underwater.
What do I need to start?
PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 12 years
What I am going to do?
During your PADI Drift Diver certification course, you will learn about drift dive planning, organization, techniques, and potential hazards, as well as special equipment and procedures such as buoyancy. But it's not all theory because you'll go on two open water dives where you can put your newfound knowledge into action.
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: 12
Open Water Training minimum: just one day
(price includes certification, but does not include 16% VAT)
If you want to see the spectacular and prolific aquatic life often found in colder climates than water you need to keep warm and that means a dry suit. But do you want to be trained in the proper techniques and this is where the PADI Dry Suit Diver course comes in.
What do I need to start?
PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 12 years
What I am going to do?
During your PADI Dry Suit Diver course, you'll not only cover the basics related to dry suit diving, you'll get into confined water to put theory into practice. Then, once you've mastered confined water, it's time for two open water dives and the application of that knowledge, including dive planning, organization, techniques, problems, and buoyancy control.
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: 24
Open Water Training minimum: just one day
(price includes certification, but does not include sales tax).
The whole world is changing, enriched air is now a permanent part of recreational diving. Air enriches not only give you the opportunity to extend your dive times.
It is the entry level qualification for rebreather diving and for all of our technical programs. To get into the program, you'll need to be 15 years or older, a PADI Open Water graduate or equivalent.
The enriched air diver program emphasizes the theorectical and operational considerations involved with enriched air diving.
The enriched air course will allow you to become familiar with safety procedures, protocols and hazards, risks, benefits and theory. Plus your getaway go on training dives during the program.
Here at Club Cortez we are very encouraging the use of enriched air. To promote the use of enriched air El Cortez club can offer the course during any other course and without additional dives.
PADI, ANDI or TDI Enriched Air Diver US$270
ANDI Limited SafeAir user (32% & 36% only) $200 US
PADI or ANDI Air Enriched Diver combined with any other course $170 US
Whether it's a blown o-ring, regulator problem, wetsuit tear or a broken fin strap, you can learn how to handle basic scuba gear adjustments.
Feel like a day out of the water? Want to learn more about how your equipment works and learn valuable care techniques from a dive professional?
Then check out our special equipment program. You will need to be at least a PADI Scuba Diver and be 12 years of age or older.
During your equipment specialty, become familiar with the operation and maintenance of your own personal equipment. Your instructor will check out new or unfamiliar scuba equipment.
The program is not designed to be an extensive computer repair program, but it does provide the following:
Theory, principles and operation of diving equipment.
for the routine and recommended care and maintenance and storage of equipment.
Common equipment problems and recommended professional maintenance procedures.
The inclusion of demonstrations of repair procedures.
simple tips for comfortable team setups and an introduction to new teams.
ANDI Limited SafeAir user (32% & 36% only) $200 US
PADI or ANDI Air Enriched Diver combined with any other course $170 US
There is so much to see underwater that you will want to make the most of your stay. Therefore, to maximize your underwater adventure, you must learn how to plan and conduct a multilevel dive.
What do I need to start?
At least a PADI Open Water Diver, Junior Open Water Diver or equivalent
minimum 12 years of age
What I am going to do?
During your multilevel Diver program, you will go on two open water dives, both of which can be completed in one day. You will also be exposed to a variety of different types of calculators for various levels of diving (the wheel and various types of dive computers).
Topics covered include:
The planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and dangers of multilevel diving.
Definition and advantages of multilevel diving.
Multilevel dive calculation methods (wheel and / dive computers)
Review of decompression sickness theory.
Review of S.A.F.E. of PADI Campaign.
Procedures for flying after diving.
Guidelines, standards and procedures for multilevel diving with wheeled and/or dive computers.
Care and maintenance of dive computers.
Choosing various levels of scuba diving from PADI Advanced Open Water / Adventure Diver may count toward the certification requirement for this specialty at the discretion of your PADI Instructor.
Learn about night dive planning, equipment, and navigation. Plus, see a whole new cast of creatures that come out at night.
When you go night diving you will see a whole new world. Even your local dive site takes on a new personality at night, as many sea creatures and plant life (other than those seen during the day) are active at night.
What do I need to start?
PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 12 years
What I am going to do?
You will learn night dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques, and potential problems. You will also learn how to control your buoyancy, navigate and communicate at night. Since many of the plants and animals you'll see are different, you'll also get an introduction to nocturnal aquatic life.
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: 12
Minimum Open Water Training: three dives throughout a day
(price includes certification, but does not include sales tax)
Neutral buoyancy is the key to conserving your air intake and leaving minimal impact on the aquatic environment. Learn how to achieve neutral buoyancy with ease.
If you want to fine-tune your buoyancy and soar over reefs, extend bottom time by reducing air consumption and prolong the life of your scuba gear, the specialty buoyancy course is for you.
What do I need to start?
PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 10 years
What I am going to do?
During your Buoyancy Specialty course you will be using PADI's Basic Weighting Guidelines to determine the correct amount of weight. You will then be able to practice the basics of buoyancy mastery during two open water dives, including buoyancy checking, underwater buoyancy tuning, weight positioning for trim, streamlining and visualization.
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: from five
Minimum Open Water Training: two dives throughout a day
(price includes certification, but does not include sales tax)
The underwater world needs heroes. You can be one of them by defending the causes of the most fragile and important aquatic ecosystems in the world.
If you want to learn about the plight of aquatic ecosystems around the world and how you can protect them, this specialty course is for you.
This non-diving specialty course can also be taken in conjunction with other PADI Diver Specialty courses.
What do I need to start?
No diving certification required
There is no minimum age limit
What I am going to do?
You will learn about the degradation of aquatic ecosystems and the conservation measures that protect aquatic resources. This includes:
The Project AWARE philosophy
The importance and interdependence of aquatic ecosystems around the world
Current issues relating to fisheries, coastal zone management and marine pollution
The state of several severely degraded marine environments
how you can help
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: four
(price includes certifcation, but not sales tax)
Has anything ever fallen into the water? Are you looking for a lost treasure?
The PADI Search and Recovery Diver course will teach you effective ways to find objects underwater and bring them to the surface.
What do I need to start?
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification from another organization) OR
PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver AND
PADI Underwater Navigation certifications (or equivalent certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 12 years
What I am going to do?
You will learn search and recovery dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques, and potential problems.
You are also covered for limited visibility, search patterns and retrieval of security objects using lifting devices.
How much time will it take?
Recommended course hours: 24 hours
Open Water Training minimum: four dives over two days
(price includes certification, but does not include sales tax)
Long before Jacques Cousteau developed modern compressed-air diving equipment that made recreational diving possible, people were diving with rebreathers.
At Club de Cortez we offer training and rental of the Drager Dolphin / Atlantis Semi-Closed Rebreather.
The main feature of a respirator is that the bubbles are reduced and the silence that it offers. The benefit of the silencer is that it allows you to get closer to avoid wildlife. Perfect for pelagic fish here in the Sea of Cortez.
Getting more and more poplar every day, rebreathers are a big hit in the recreational diving market.
Try El Cortez Club's Rebreather Course, which introduces you to the semi-enclosed Drager Rebreather and develops the knowledge and skills and techniques needed to use this system.
To qualify for the program you must be:
PADI Open Water or Junior Open Water (or equivalent)
Certified as a PADI Enriched Air Diver (or equivalent)
At least 15 years old
The program reviews the planning, organization, procedures, potential and risks associated with semi-closed rebreather diving. It specifically focuses on the features, accessories, maintenance, and proper use of the Drager Semi-Closed Rebreather. To complete this certification, you will get to do at least one confined water dive and at least three open water dives.
PADI, ANDI or TDI Drager Dolphin Rebreather $370, 3 dives with EANx pre-certification.
PADI, ANDI or TDI Drager Dolphin Rebreather $550 including EANx certification
(all prices are subject to sales tax)
Interested in learning more about the beautiful marine life in the Sea of Cortez?
The PADI Underwater Naturalist program includes two open water dives, which can be completed in a single day, which will introduce you to different aquatic organisms, and include an overview of responsible human interactions with aquatic life.
Some of the topics covered are:
The planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and dangers of diving in different aquatic environments.
A basic description of the main groupings of aquatic life (kingdoms and phyla)
Factual information that dispels myths of potentially dangerous aquatic life.
A basic overview of aquatic life interactions and associations.
responsible human interactions with aquatic life.
Diving techniques used to help preserve the purple bottom aquatic life and minimize aquatic life disturbance.
(The price includes two dives including certification, but 16% local taxes not included)
Be the diver everyone wants to follow and make your sense of direction legendary with the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course.
Knowing where you are -underwater- and where you're going comes in really handy, especially if you're looking for an abject or locating that beautiful reef you heard about. If you are a PADI Open Water Diver or equivalent and at least 12 years of age, then this program is for you.
During the underwater navigation program, you will go on three open water dives to familiarize yourself with the skills, knowledge, planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems, risks and most importantly the enjoyment of knowing where you are.
(Price does not include local sales tax)
No photo experience necessary! That's what our program is for – showing you how to take award-winning underwater photos. Your need to be at least PADI Open Water or equivalent and at least 12 years of age.
During the course of photos you go on two open water dives, which can be carried out in one day. This is where your put in practice the tips and techniques you learned from your instructor and the PADI Underwater Photography and Video manual.
PADI Underwater Photographer US$299 (two dives including certification)
Underwater photographer using his own camera US$239
(all prices are subject to sales tax)
Short of taking someone scuba diving, there's only one way to show someone the sound, movement, and dynamics of the underwater world: video.
Do you want to be the next Hans Haas? (he's a long-time pioneer movie sub)! Then sign up for the El Cortez Club Underwater Videographer program! You will need to be at least a PADI Open Water Diver or equivalent.
Here at El Cortez Club we have our own broadcast quality video systems and computer based editing system. Just check out our video on our front page!
During your course you will go on three open water dives and put into practice the information you have learned from your instructor.
The course includes:
The selection, maintenance, care and handling of underwater video equipment.
Safe diving practices while shooting, exposure, focus, and color maintenance with video equipment.
The course also includes shoot types, lengths, and camera movements.
Development of story lines and scripts and shot sequencing.
The planning, organization and procedures for an underwater session.
(three dives including certification, all prices are subject to local taxes)
Price includes certification, but does not include sales tax)
Do you want to explore sunken ships and search for lost treasures below the surface? Then the El Cortez Club wreck diver program is for you.
Here at The Sea of Cortez we have a number of wrecks perfect for training. To venture into our wreck diver program you will need to be at least PADI Open Water Diver Advanced or equivalent and at least 15.
During the Diver Wreck program you will go on four open water dives, which can take place over at least two days.
This is where I will put into practice the information you gained from listening to your instructor and from the wreck diver manual and video.
The information contained in your program includes:
The planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and hazards of wreck diving.
The preparation and use of lights, air equipment, special equipment, penetration lines and reels.
limited visibility diving techniques and emergency procedures.
You may count on the advanced course elective wreck towards your specialty qualification at the discretion of the instructor.
PADI WRECK DIVER COURSE $299 from United States (four dives, including certification)
Air Enriched & Combined Wreck Diver $450 US
(all prices are subject to sales tax)